The Oral Tradition
For ancient peoples, the storytellers were the teachers and stories were an initiation rite by which the wisdom of the tribe was handed down from one generation to the next.
This powerful teaching process has been long lost in modern culture. In our fast paced society many parents are too tired to sit down and have a relationship with their kids. As a result television
and video games have replaced the human voice and the well told tale. The morals, ethics and values of those tales have been replaced with the values that advertising focus groups say will
Due to this electronic deluge, educators find themselves facing a greater challenge than ever when it comes to motivating children to read. Researchers have shown that reading & language programs
can benefit with the introduction of storytelling into the curriculum. Stories help students prioritize and organize information, and develop listening and problem solving skills. Oral stories
stimulate creativity and imagination and reinforce the students developing interest in reading.
Richard Standard - Storyteller
Richard Standard has delighted audiences, large and small from the Coast of California to Gastin France, weaving tales of wonder and imagination into the hearts of young and old alike. Richard's stories come from the wealth of the Global Village: North American Indian tales, from the Hopi, Miwok and Ojibway, African stories from the Swahili and Yoruba; European myths and legends; Hawaiian creation stories and modern day fables.Richard's enthusiasm breathes life into the people and creatures that populate his tales. His tales are enriched by the enchanting rythms of his Mountain Dulcimer and Conga Drum as Richard paints pictures with words for his audiences and transports them into the timeless world of the storyteller. listen to a story.
Selected comments:
"Like Gioa Timpanelli and Michael Meade, Richard has the gift of the Storyteller. His words grow orchards in the heart and continue to bear fruit long after his stories are told" - Doug Von Koss, Artistic Director of the Noah Project - San Francisco
"The audience was mesmerized by the stories. The musical instruments added to the intrigue of the event and as each story concluded a hush fell over the children as the story 'settled'." - Sue Gruber, fifth grade teacher
"Your stories were unique and interesting, the Russian children enjoyed them as much as the rest of us." Alana Goetzinger, Chernobyl Children's Project
"A multi-cultural viewpoint can only enhance our kids' understanding of the 'big picture'. We applaud your contribution to the glogal nature of understanding our oral traditions and legends."- Anita Schroeder, Suki Winship, teachers- Thomas Page School
See Testimonials for more comments from educators. |
Storytelling Program Fees
The program includes multi-cultural storytelling with stories from around the globe - North American Indian, African, Asian, European, Australian and more, the stories are told with the mountain lap dulcimer or conga drum. This program also encourages art and literacy classroom follow up activities that can relate to curriculum standards.
Fee Schedules Storytelling
Classroom storytelling ............................................................................$ 45 (30-45 min)
Cluster groups storytelling .....................................................................$125 (1 hr) (Grade level 60-80 children )
Whole School Assembly storytelling ......................................................$225 (1 hr )
Back to back Assemblies Storytelling.................................................... $450(2 hrs)
Weddings, Birthdays & other events.......................................................$125 (1hr)
(Travel expense added for performances out of Sonoma County)